The author of the book about the School
Caroline Thomas attended St Margaret's from 1947 until 1961. Fourteen years took her from Mrs Wicker's baby class through to a second year in the 6th form and Deputy Head Girl. Her mother and aunt had attended under the founder Miss de la Mare, her sister Amber was there under the three nieces, and her own niece Diana attended for a term under the Hassons during a visit from South Africa, not only to keep her education going but to be able to say that three generations had been pupils.
It was at one of the SMOGS reunions that Miss Elizabeth Warren approached Caroline with the idea of writing the history of the School, giving the three generations as justification for picking her to do it. Caroline promised to think about it, and at the next reunion, when Miss Warren asked why it was not finished yet, Caroline (fearing a punishment) resolved to do it. By the next reunion it was done, and Miss Warren's praise was like earning a gold star for a neat line of letters. Memories of Form I are still vivid.