Members of staff --- scroll down for names.
We show the years they were at the school where known, otherwise one year in which they were there.
Miss B J Adamson: School Secretary and Bursar, appointed Vice Principal in 1957 when Mrs Hasson died. Previously with British Council. Retired December 1963.
Miss Altmeyer: French, arrived 1962.
Mr S J H Balchin: Physics, arrived 1966.
Miss G M Beazley: School Secretary 1954 - 1960.
Mrs Bedford: Assistant Matron
Sister Bell: Under Matron in 1960, appointed Head Matron after 1964.
Mr B S Bland: General Science 1957-58.
Miss Maureen Bland: Physical Education 1946-53. Built up hockey team from nothing to 1952's unbeaten record.
Miss Jose Bonniface, 1949 Mrs Cronk: Sister of June. School Secretary.
Miss Boxer
Miss C F R Brown: Taught Form II in Junior House, arrived 1956.
Miss A Burke: House Mistress, arrived 1967.
Mrs Campion: Form II Junior House, arrived 1956
Miss Carrodus: Music teacher 1948 - 1963
Mr Chakrabarti: Mathematics, 1965 - 1966.
Miss Jill Chapman: Old Girl. Art, 1961 - 1965.
Miss Penelope Clarke-Lens: Old Girl, Physical Education 1967.
Miss R G Cocking: Remove class in Junior House, 1949 (died 3 Feb 2011).
Sister Cornell: Matron, 1948
Miss M M Cousin: Form I in Junior House, 1963.
Miss Crampton-Gore: French, 1963 - 1965.
Mr Croft: Left 1966.
Miss H Cronin: Mathematics, left 1960.
Miss Margaret Deedes: Music, 1951.
Mr R A Elton: Physics.
Miss A M Fellows, 1948 Mrs Handley: 1948.
Mrs Field: Biology 1957.
Mrs J Fitzgerald: Art, replacing Miss Chapman in 1965.
Captain W G Fluke: Art 1961.
Mrs Ford-Dunne: Matron.
Miss Pam French: Under Matron, appointed Matron in 1960.
Miss B E Fretwell: Upper III in Junior House, 1950.
Mr Furlong:Science, 1958 - 1966.
Miss N H Goddard: Lower III in Junior House, 1947 - 1963, then supply teacher until 1964.
Miss Irma Godwin: Physical Education 1953 - 1962. Trained at the Dartford College of P.E. and was cricket captain there. Played cricket and hockey for Folkestone and Kent teams. She moved on from St Mags to teach at Hounslow, Norwich and Bath, playing tennis, badminton and golf. In 1970 she won the Norwich Open Ladies' Doubles in tennis.
Mrs Goss: 1965 - 1966
Miss N Gostling: French, arrived 1963.
Miss Alice Green: Form II in Junior House, 1946 - 1949.
Mrs V Hamer: Resident Bursar and Housemistress, arrived 1964.
Miss Hanbury-Brown: 1948.
Mrs Hird, 1952 Mrs Pack: Needlework, maths briefly, 1950 - 1964.
Mrs B James
Mrs G M Johnson: Music, arrived 1960.
Miss Moya Kennedy: Cecchetti ballet and other dance forms. She spent her childhood in Chester, studied ballet in London and established a school in Wandsworth Common. Worked in a Shropshire bank during the war and taught dance to a few village children. Meeting the De la Mares got her the job at St Mags. In 1957 she co-founded the Teachers' Cecchetti Summer School. After St Mags closed she formed a new dancing school and sold it on retirement at 80.
Miss Kerrigan: General science 1947 - 1948 and 1951 - 1957,
Mrs Ketley: Assistant Matron.
Mrs J Lee: Left 1966.
Miss E Mary Lee: Came with Mrs Hasson from her former post in Rugby. Junior School 1947 - 1957, and 1960.
Mrs K Leonard: Physical Education, arrived 1966.
Mr C Wentworth Levy: A-level chemistry.
Miss Monica Liddiard, 1960 Mrs Thomson: English 1957 - 1958.
Miss E M Lincoln: Upper III in Junior School, also assisted Mr Hasson in Speech and Drama, arrived 1961.
Mrs B Lunn, 1964 Mrs James: Biology, arrived 1961.
Miss Maggs, English, Geography, History, languages, 1946-1966.
Miss Malin: Head Cook in 1961.
Mrs T A Mattock: Needlework, arrived 1964.
Miss E Matthews: Head Matron 1956 - 1960.
Miss McCarthy: 1951.
Miss McInerny: Physical Education 1964 - 1966.
Mrs Lilian Meade: English, Latin, Scripture 1947 to c1953.
Miss C G Merry: Remove Form in Junior School.
Mrs Mills: School Secretary.
Mr Millstead: Singing, 1947 - 1956.
Miss Noel: French.
Miss Norrington, 1955 Mrs Longley: Physical Education 1951 - 1959. Qualified at Nonnington College of P.E.
Miss O'Dwyer: Left in 1965.
Mr W A Parks: Arrived 1965.
Mrs J Pashley: Arrived 1967.
Mrs Pask: General English subjects 1963 - 1965.
Miss M Paton Wells: School Secretary 1965 to replace Miss Tappenden.
Mrs L N Perry: French teacher, left 1955.
Mrs Susan Record: Physical Education 1962 - 1964.
Mrs C W Rogers: Mathematics 1963 - 1964.
Miss Kathleen Rogers: Music, piano 1936-38.
Mlle Jeanne Romieu: Assistant French teacher to Mrs Perry, arrived 1952.
Mr Roome: Mathetmatics, 1952 - 1965, part-time until the final year.
Mlle Anne-Marie Rothenbuhler: French teacher, left 1962.
Miss Kathleen Rudman: Music and piano, arrived 1951.
Miss Edith Sampson: Housekeeperm came in 1947 with Mrs Hasson from her former post in Rugby. Former children's nanny. Londoner, cockney wit, loved music and attended Leas Cliff Hall concerts regularly.
Captain Setton: English, 1946 - 1951.
Miss Dorothy Shaw: Biology and mathematics, on a two-year exchange from Canada 1949 - 1951. Died 19 June 2015.
Miss Simpson: Music, 1956 - 1957.
Mrs Smith: Junior House staff, left 1958.
Miss Elsie Hindmarsh Smith: Latin, 1947 - 1962,
Dr Esme Pole Stuart: Part-time teacher. Retired 1966.
Miss Tappenden: Appointed School Secretary in 1964, left 1965.
Mlle Testenoire: French.
Mrs R L Thomas: Music. Arrived 1964 to replace Miss Carrodus. Introduced violin, recorder and guitar.
Miss C D Tindall: History and English. Arrived 1966.
Miss Pat Vallintine: Arrived 1958. Appointed School Secretary 1960.
Miss Rosemary Ward, 1959 Mrs Allsworth: Junior House Form I, 1957 - 1959.
Miss Elizabeth Warren: Junior House Form I, 1947 - 1965, Old Girl.
Mrs Rosemary Watson: Having been the School secretary during Mr Hasson's last years as Principal, she became Headmistress when his successor suddenly resigned, and both Governors and pupiles were grateful for this. She died in 2002 aged 86.
Mrs F M Whalen: Arrived 1966 after Mr Hassson died, to coach for O and A level English. Also taught Latin.
Mrs Kathleen R Whiteside: English and Religious Knowledge. Arrived 1951. Appointed Deputy Principal 1964.
Miss Wood: Arrived 1967.
Miss Jennifer Wood: Physical Education, arrived 1960.